Lewis, C. S. 1898-1963

The horse and his boy (The Chronicles of Narnia #3) - paperback - HarperCollins 1998 - 207 p., col.ill.; 20 cm. - The Chronicles of Narnia 3 .

This is the third adventure in the exciting Chronicles of Narnia. Summary: This is the story of an adventure that happened in Narnia and Calormen Bree, the talking horse, has been kidnapped from Narnia, and longs to return. Shasta, destined to be sold into slavery, decides to run away with him. Before they know it, they are on a wild and dangerous journey together, through strange cities, eerie tombs and harsh deserts...

0006716784 0.00

Fantasy Fiction
Narnia (Imaginary place)

Literature & Rhetoric

/ L673H